Finally finish your story and make it great


If you have an idea but no complete draft …

If you’re stuck in a story you know isn’t working …

If you don’t know what to do next …

Developmental Story Coaching can help.

I honestly loved the feedback Leslie gave me. It was great hearing some real time reactions to my work! I’ve since rebranded my story and now have three published audiobooks from it.
— Colby R. Rice, author of Ghosts of Koa
Colby R. Rice testimonial for Leslie Watts.

What if you could have your own private version of the podcast?


This service is "from the ground up" editing guidance employing a coaching model. We’ll have private weekly consultations with discussions similar to those you hear on the Writership Podcast. This can begin as early as the first spark of a story idea and go through the final draft.

Consultations with an expert editor will help you stay accountable for your writing goals, grow your self-editing skills, and guide you in completing your work

Whether you’re a new writer and not sure where to start, or an experienced writer who wants support to continue to grow in the craft, you can benefit from Developmental Editing and Coaching.

This service includes a one-hour coaching call each week. We can discuss your progress each week, or better still, you can submit scenes for me to review and discuss. The practice of writing scenes and receiving immediate suggestions for course correction creates a tight feedback loop that shortens the learning curve for the writing process.

If you have an idea you want to develop but no complete draft, we would begin by exploring the Narrative Path to nail down the story you want to tell. Then we would work on your fastball: planning and executing scenes. As you gain proficiency, we move into higher levels of story structure: sequences, acts, subplots, and the global story.

All this will move you toward finally finishing a story that you're really proud of.



Developmental Coaching includes:


  • Four One-Hour Phone Consultations
    We’ll talk each week for four weeks (or every other week for eight weeks), to discuss your questions and my analysis of your writing.

  • Customized Writing Assignments
    Every week I’ll assign you customized homework to help improve your skills and your story.

  • Detailed Feedback on Submitted Assignments
    Every writer is at a different place on the journey. I’ll provide feedback on your submitted assignments (up to 3,000 words per session) including suggested next steps you can take to level-up as a writer. It’ll be like your own personal, private version of the feedback given on the Writership Podcast, except you’ll get to ask questions and talk it through in our phone consultations.


My promise to you

Wherever you are in your writing journey, I promise to create a tight feedback loop that will shorten your learning curve and guide you toward completing your story.

I block time in my calendar for Story Grid to Done Coaching sessions, and have a limited availability each week. The next opening for new clients is in August 2024. If you would like to be added to my waiting list or want a recommendation for another editor, fill in the form below to contact me.



Don’t walk away from another unfinished story.

Jess Hudson testimonial for Leslie Watts.
I’ve not really shared any of my writing with anyone before—I suppose from some fear of someone telling me it was crap and me losing my confidence. But Leslie had such lovely things to say about my story, and her feedback has definitely given me a boost!

I don’t feel quite so much now that writing is just something I should be doing for myself. Maybe other people would want to read some too!
— Jess Hudson, author of Osweyth