The Daily Port of Call: January 8, 2014


In today’s Daily Port of Call, grab the list of the most anticipated great books of 2014, find out how reading affects your brain, and discover 27 words that have been out of use for a long time, but really should be revived.

Want to write a memoir? Get started here.

“We already knew that good stories can put you in someone else’s shoes in a figurative sense. Now we’re seeing that something may also be happening biologically." See for yourself how reading affects your brain.

Grammar Cat uses a mnemonic device to help us with that tricky customer the semicolon: The Hairball Has Actually Been Ingested Twenty Times.

Is there a golden rule of writing? “Success is entirely dependent upon constancy of purpose.”

27 delightful and obsolete words that should certainly be revived. This list is so good, you’ll be gorgonized.

Check out this list of the most anticipated great books of 2014.