The Daily Port of Call: October 22, 2014

Photo by Alexander Lvov/

Photo by Alexander Lvov/

In today’s Daily Port of Call, you’ll find how to begin and end chapters, how to push past a dip in motivation, and how to respond to a negative review.

“[T]he chapter doesn’t know where to begin and when to end, and so as long as the character is awake, the chapter keeps going.” Learn how to begin and end chapters.

These five traits can help you create your character’s personality.

How can you push past the terrifying dip in motivation? “You start moving. Take just one step, any step, a tiny step. Movement begets movement.”

Here are three ways to increase your daily word count while away from your computer.

Discover five ways to respond to a negative review.

Is your author website helping you market your books? Check out a case study on author websites.