The Daily Port of Call: November 5, 2014

Photo by Alexander Lvov/

Photo by Alexander Lvov/

During the month of NaNoWriMo, the Captains of Writership will be participating in this great sprint to write a novel in thirty days. In lieu of the news and recent posts we usually share in the Daily Port of Call, we’ll be passing along links to some of our favorite articles and resources on a variety of topics. In our year-long, online writing program, we follow the steps of the writing journey from idea to publication. We’ll mirror that structure here, spending a week exploring each of Writership’s Anchors: Dreamtime, Writing the First Draft, Revision, and Publishing and Marketing.

We’re in Dreamtime this week, and today we’re exploring outlining and other ways to get ready to dive into the draft.

Discover why you might want to outline your novel and how.

Outlines don’t have to be boring. Here are tips for creating a creative outline with links to additional resources.

And here are tips for planning a novel without actually outlining.

Even pantsers should do a little planning: “It’s fine to ‘let ‘er rip,’ but here’s a cautionary note: a writer must think his story through before putting a single word on the page.”

Here are six ways to outline your novel faster.

Learn how to outline your novel using the snowflake method.

Check out the headlight method for outlining your novel.

Here are twenty-five ways to plot, plan, and prep your story.