Photo by Alexander Lvov/
In today's Daily Port of Call, you’ll find a newly discovered fragment of Jane Austen’s writing, life lessons everyone can learn from beloved children’s books, and the continuing importance of poetry.
Museum curators at Jane Austen’s House Museum at Chawton found a fragment of the author's handwriting in a book. "Men may get into a habit of repeating the words of our Prayers by rote, perhaps without thoroughly understanding—certainly without thoroughly feeling their full force & meaning."
Marketing your book and yourself: Here are the 10 best tips and tools for creating and maintaining your author platform.
We can all learn from children's books. Here are life lessons that everyone can use. They include, everybody has bad hair days.
Here are 7 free tools to help you organize and prioritize your writing life.
U.S. Poet Laureate, Natasha Trethewey discusses the continuing importance of poetry. “I see now, in our contemporary moment, that it is more necessary than ever to receive the gifts that poetry offers. Each day we are faced with sound bites and catchphrases deadening and trivializing our language, the widening gulf of our ideological differences eroding civil discourse and our ability to truly communicate with each other, to hear each other. For all of that, poetry is the corrective, the sacred language that allows us to connect across time and space, across all the things in everyday life that separate us and would destroy us.”
Here are 12 steps to create an inspirational space for your creative work.