The Daily Port of Call: June 6, 2014

Photo by Alexander Lvov/

Photo by Alexander Lvov/

In today’s Daily Port of Call, you’ll find writing myths that will keep you from getting published, sidekicks, and appreciation and advice for young writers.

These writing myths could keep you from getting published: “I envisioned luxurious hours sipping coffee and listening to Sinatra, while gleefully thumping out stories on my laptop. I believed there was no way writing a short story would ever take me more than an hour, two at the absolute most.”

Does your protagonist need a sidekick? Find out what these characters can do for your story.

Discover the number one reason to choose to indie publishing.

One author shares her deep appreciation and a little advice for young writers: “There is enormous power and benefit in writing only for yourself. Please remember this, if and when you ever try to get published. You are the first person you should please with your writing. If you want to get published, you certainly won’t be the only person you’ll need to please, but you should, in the quiet of your own writer-ness, always be the first.”

What are the best sounds to help you get work done?

The British Library has put 1,200 of its greatest literary treasures on a new website.