Episode 94: Edge of the Future: Science Fiction Critique


In this episode, Leslie and Clark critique the first chapter of Edge of the Future, a science fiction novel by Andria Stone. They discuss ways to reveal character, including thoughts, reactions to events, and reactions from other characters. One thing to consider (especially in science fiction or fantasy) is how to convey what’s normal for the wider culture and within particular groups. This week’s editorial mission will help you make your characters unique.

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Show notes

The secret of standout characters is their uniqueness. It can be developed in any number of ways, from their appearance to their opinions. Principles, perplexing quirks, and inner puzzles all can help but too often are shortcuts and substitutes for the harder work of building a standout character from the ground up.
— Donald Maass

Birthday giveaway winner

The winner of our birthday giveaway is Ayesha Depay. The four books she won are The Story Grid, Story Genius, Writing the Breakout Novel, and Making Shapely Fiction. Thanks to everyone who left a review! They help people find the podcast, and we appreciate the feedback. 


Editorial Mission—Unique Characters

Make a list of all the major characters in your story. Then identify the qualities that make them unique. How are you showing this in the story? How could you show it? Do you provide contrast so the difference is clear to the reader?


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