Photo by Alexander Lvov/
In today’s Daily Port of Call, you’ll find more great resources from the speakers at Author Marketing Live. One of my big takeaways from the conference was this: if we want to earn money from our books, we need to treat our writing as a business, not just an art. I‘ve heard this before, but the AML speakers really helped me to understand what that looks and feels like. We sometimes feel uncomfortable selling our art; many writers are reluctant to market their work. But the volume of content available today makes it highly unlikely that readers will come find us. If we want to share our words with the world successfully, we need to learn to put smart effort into getting the word out. Today we focus on the speakers and resources that help support the business of writing.
Jim Kukral, is an author, internet marketing veteran, and founder of Author Marketing Live. He also owns Author Marketing Club, a community of authors who share challenges and successes and spread the word about each other’s work. Authors can find training videos, tools, and services to support their publication journey. Jim’s latest book, Go Direct!: The Content Creator's Guide to Eliminating the Middleman & Avoiding the Gatekeepers, helps authors to become less dependent on platforms they don’t own. You can listen to the podcast that he hosts with Bryan Cohen, the Sell More Books Show for the latest tips and news about publishing and marketing your books.
Joe Pulizzi is an author and content marketing expert who can be found at the Content Marketing Institute. CMI provides training and resources for people to provide helpful and valuable information to the readers who want to buy their books and services. His most recent book is Epic Content Marketing: How to Tell a Different Story, Break through the Clutter, and Win More Customers by Marketing Less. You can find Joe’s blog posts here.
Hunter Boyle is the leader of business development for AWeber, which provides superior tools for email management. Hunter is a speaker and writer with years of experience helping people create and optimize content marketing. He recently published an article about how to blast through fears around content marketing. You can explore the resources mentioned during his talk at AML here.
Andrea Vahl is a social media coach, speaker, and strategist and the co-author of Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies. In addition to her helpful blog, Andrea hosts The Grandma Mary Show with social media tutorials.
Julia Kline is the author of The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Sleaze-Free Selling, which is designed to help authors and other business owners create successful and heart-centered marketing strategies.